LED Lighting Design

LED Lighting Design
We use LED lights to replace the decorating lights, light signs and a screen. LED light is high quality , it is an energy saver, lasts longer and is durable.That’s why LED lights are the best choice to work with your usability.
So then, LED light is the best choice to be used in all of our tasks. Whether it’s
- Lighting Design
- Facade Lighting
- Exterior Lighting
- Decorative & Event Lighting

Lighting Design
Lighting design creates its beauty, creates its atmosphere and security from the inside and the outside building.
Lighting design also causes proper use in each area, so it’s worth it to have maximum usability.

Lighting Design
Lighting design creates its beauty, creates its atmosphere and security from the inside and the outside building.
Lighting design also causes proper use in each area, so it’s worth it to have maximum usability.
Project Reference
Lighting Design
LED Lighting Design
Project Reference
แท่นชาร์จโทรศัพท์ ท่าอากาศยานภูเก็ต
Mobile Charger Phuket Airport

Exterior Lighting
We use lights to decorate the outside for beauty, eye-catching, add value and to be consistent with the architecture of the team of experts.

Exterior Lighting
We use lights to decorate the outside for beauty, eye-catching, add value and to be consistent with the architecture of the team of experts.
Project Reference
Exterior Lighting
Exterior Lighting
Project Reference
แท่นชาร์จโทรศัพท์ ท่าอากาศยานภูเก็ต
Mobile Charger Phuket Airport

Facade Lighting
This design installed light outside of the high-rise building to make it beautiful, eye-catching and also part of the architecture.We use our team that’s professional at abseiling and use LED lights to decorate it.

Facade Lighting
This design installed light outside of the high-rise building to make it beautiful, eye-catching and also part of the architecture.We use our team that’s professional at abseiling and use LED lights to decorate it.
Project Reference
Facade Lighting

Decorative & Event Lighting
An inside light decoration for a special event to make it beautiful and to boost the inside of the architecture to be the most perfect as possible.

Decorative & Event Lighting
An inside light decoration for a special event to make it beautiful and to boost the inside of the architecture to be the most perfect as possible.