Solar Cell
Solar Cell
A solar cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. The energy from the sun is clean so it doesn’t cause pollution or cause bad effects on the environment.
The ability to generate electricity from the sun in Thailand has more chances than others because of the landscape that is near the equator.
Solar Rooftop
To install Solar Cell Rooftop is a long-term investment with a risk. A solar cell is usable for 25 years. The solar cell is a future energy purchase with a low investment.
Solar cell rooftops can generate electrical energy from morning to evening but the capacity will be unequal due to the weather. If it’s cloudy, raining or is not sunny, it will affect production.
The way solar cells convert the energy of light directly into electricity is the most cost-effective energy saving. Solar cells are suitable for schools, offices, and buildings that use electricity during the day.
Solar Cell System Offline
Solar Cell System Online
Project Reference
Solar Rooftop
Solar Rooftop
Project Reference
โรงเรียนนารีวิทยา ราชบุรี
System Capacity 60 KW
Solar Rooftop
Project Reference
โรงเรียนมารีย์วิทยา นครราชสีมา
System Capacity 120 KW
Solar Rooftop
Project Reference
โรงเรียนหทัยนิรมล (กรุงเทพกรีฑา)
System Capacity 25 KW
Solar Rooftop
Project Reference
โรงเรียนธิดาแม่พระ สุราษฏร์ธานี
System Capacity 80 KW